Wednesday, August 12, 2015

What I Wish I Would Have Known

     "If what others say about you don't directly match up with what God says about you, then it is a lie."

     God says we are valuable, restored, and forgiven. This was so enlightening. I wish I would have known this much sooner.
      I had two choices every time I was hurt by others: I could feed off negativity and question who I was or to brush it off remembering that it's one opinion that doesn't compare to who I really am. It doesn't compare to what my creator knows or thinks about me.
     I remember starting every first day of high school dreading what was to come. I soon realized its all about the attitude you have. Instead of dreading everyday and just waiting for those four years to end, make the most of your time by doing what makes you happy.
     Here's to my next two years in the PTA program and to everyone who is kicking off their school year this week!

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