Monday, September 7, 2015

Labor Day Lift

Hit shoulders and abs this morning on our day off. After a week filled of being sick and working in the heat it felt good to get back in the swing of things.

Shoulder press, lateral raise, front raise, and bent over rear delt, and finish with an ab circuit.

Lately I like doing 20-40 mins of eliptical with weight resistance as cardio. Depending on what I've ate that day for carbs and my activity before being at the gym, I vary my cardio time. Ex: days that I am running errands and working, I'll do maybe 20-25 mins. Compared to days I am studying and doing homework I'll do 40 mins.

This program is designed for the first 4 weeks to have no cardio, but I've tweaked it to fit my needs.

On a sidnote, what kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't steal his things? I love the reminder this bracelet gives when you look at it, but especially during a workout. #inJesusnameIplay 

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